Problem statement (my gap): In what way might I keep the ends of cables and power cords on smooth desk and table surfaces when they are disconnected from a laptop?

List of primary user needs (for secondary user needs, please see week 2 assignments):

The solution is convenient

The solution is versatile

The solution is trustworthy

The solution is easy to implement/remove

The solution is aesthetically pleasing

The solution is inexpensive

The solution is environmentally and socially responsible

Below I copy the concept sketches (from last week) and photographs of prototypes (from this week) to test functionality.
Below are sketch and prototype of concept 5: Clamp
Below are sketch and prototype of concept 6: Velcro
Below are sketch and prototype of concept 7: Magnetic mat
Below are sketch and prototype for Concept 8: Weight
Below are sketch and prototype of concept 9: Suction cup
Problem statement (my gap): In what way might I keep the ends of cables and power cords on smooth desk and table surfaces when they are disconnected from a laptop?

List of primary user needs (for secondary user needs, please see week 2 assignments):

The solution is convenient

The solution is versatile

The solution is trustworthy

The solution is easy to implement/remove

The solution is aesthetically pleasing

The solution is inexpensive

The solution is environmentally and socially responsible

Below I copy the concept selection matrix. I plan to prototype five of the concepts for further evaluation (marked in red and with a *).
Below is the same matrix as PDF file.
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File Type: pdf
Download File


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    May 2013

