To recap:
Problem statement (my gap): In what way might I keep the ends of cables and power cords on smooth desk and table surfaces when they are disconnected from a laptop?

List of primary user needs (for secondary user needs, please see week 2 assignments):

The solution is convenient

The solution is versatile

The solution is trustworthy

The solution is easy to implement/remove

The solution is aesthetically pleasing

The solution is inexpensive

The solution is environmentally and socially responsible

After initial user testing last week, three options were still in the running:
- clamp
- weight, and
- suction cup

From an aesthetics perspective, I was  unable to create a suction cup version that did not trigger an association with the bathroom environment.  Consequently, I eliminated this option.

For the remaining two concepts, I created CAD models (see below), so that I can have the parts 3D-printed for my beta prototype.

I will continue to refine the aesthetics of these two concepts.

Figure above: The Clamp (dimensions: 80 mm x 30 mm x 40mm)

Figure above: The Weight (dimensions: about 30 mm in diameter; widest part of cutout about 4 mm)


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2013

